Mráz: Brussels is unwilling to compromise; Hungary will follow Turkey on Sweden's Nato accession
In their own words: Ágoston Mráz, Director of the pro-government Nézőpont Institute, spoke to the Hungarian International Press...
Observations from Hungary and Central Europe
In their own words: Ágoston Mráz, Director of the pro-government Nézőpont Institute, spoke to the Hungarian International Press...
Photo: Not writing papers about it, not debating policy, but doing it - teaching Roma students. That's former MP Tibor Derdák (right),...
Robert 'Gene' Brown and Marylin Ball-Brown are two 'ordinary' Americans who retired to Hungary hoping to spend the rest of their lives...
In Their own Words: Former Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Balázs (along with György Surányi, former governor of Hungary's central...
Left-leaning political think tank Policy Solutions, in co-operation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Budapest, launched the latest...
A wintry scene from the Hungarian capital, almost certainly taken in 1992-93. Photo: Judging from the struggle this little mite has to...
This is the first time on this blog I've used the same picture for two different posts. There's a very good reason for that. Photo: The...
Minister in charge of putting Hungary's case to the European Commission regarding rule of law and corruption speaks to the Hungarian...
I braved a cold, wet trip back and forth across town in November to savour the latest nectar from Mezőzombor, north-east Hungary - Well,...
Miklós Ligeti, Legal Director of anti-corruption NGO Transparency International Magyar-ország, spoke to the Hungarian International Press...
Location: the Commonwealth War Cemetery, Solymár Photo: British Commonwealth and fellow ambassadors at the Solymár Remembrance service...
By Oscar-nominated director Jevgenyij Afinyevszkij Image: a still from the trailer for the film I wouldn't...
Education is in crisis in Hungary – Teachers, students and their parents will demonstrate for more than just wages at the Technical...
In their own Words: Dániel Mikecz on why the the 2024 municipal elections are a key test for Hungarian opposition, and will Péter...
George W Bush has done it, but being an American, he's got a reasonable excuse. Former Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi has done it, and he...
Or did too few listen to their warnings? Géza Jeszenszky, Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs 1990-94, diplomat and historian, tells...
"We learned that Hungarian bakers were frequently alcoholics and showed up drunk to start work at 3 am. One was a martial artist who...
"Never in my career have I worked so hard for so little profit" - Robert Brooker, co-founder, NYB, 30 years on. Photo: A touch of 1990s...
In their own Words: György Csepeli on why foreigners cannot understand Hungarians' attachment to [their version] of history. Photo:...
Guest Post: Anon Expat argues reality always trumps fairy-tale economics and catches up in the end - but leaves a trail of damage on the...