KesterTester112 - UPDATED

Photo: A far more orthodox KesterTester this time round than the tantalisingly taxing KGT111. This is a regular photo of sculpture somewhere in the CEE region - but where?
To win global acclaim and celebrity status, answers please (citing KT112) via the webiste messaging system or an email. Happy sleuthing!
UPDATE - Contestants and WINNER
In direct contrast to KGT111, our previous toughie tester, KT112 attracted a dozen or so entries – all from readers eager to bask in the limelight of global celebrity status and buy me two beers. (And I do need them - I've just realised I've got none in the pantry!)
However, first in was Sándor Németh, who seemed more concerned about my editorial lapses than winning this internationally famous competition.
“Hi Kester,
Is this a linguistic tester too?
A 'P' is mining from SCULPTURE in the lead.”
Corrected, Sanyi! Thank you.
“I thought CHERUBIM was the plural of CHERUB.
Regards, Sanyi”
Oooer. You could be correct there, I suppose. Greek origin to that word?
But what about the photo? You don't get the chance for celebrity glory or to buy me two beers for showing off your knowledge of classics, you know?
Jerry Taylor made a sort of joke, but said, after being challenged to use his intellect to sleuth the Tester, replied:
"Intellect? What’s that? To be fair, I wouldn’t have a clue Kester.
Sorry we missed you last Friday at the club. Maybe catch up soon?
Cheers, Jerry"
Pinging his email from across the north Atlantic, Ryan Tutak was next in, albeit a little tentatively.
“Hi Kester – Vienna?”
Sándor Németh then responded to the challenge, well, sort of, I suppose.
“Could be anywhere really, from Karlovy Vary to Băile Herculane.
It's nearly impossible to find out from that photo.
Regards, Sanyi”
Is it? Sanyi, you can't get global celebrity status on a plate, yer know!
Imre Kőrizs was more positive on a Sunday afternoon.
“Hi, Kester,
Is it Gellért Fürdő? The tower on the right is familiar. Once, some friends and I were regulars at Pagony, on the other side of Kemenes street, but it has been closed for some time.
Ciao, Imre”
Didn't know that one, Imre.
Chris Dalton was in a Sunday sleuthing mood.
“The almost naked person in the background is the big clue, along with the distinctive dome. Gellért outdoor baths and wave pool?” he opined.
Mihály Müller swung in next.
“Hi Kester,
This is an easy one: Gellért Fürdő hullámmedence (Budapest)
On the photo’s bottom left corner you can recognise the statue, (although from a different angle).
Finding out was not very difficult:
A man is wearing swimming shorts and is heading towards a pool with a towel in his hand (so it was taken in an outdoor swimming pool)
The style of the domed tower building in the top right is very characteristic for Budapest (so with some not too hard thinking we already suspect that we are in Budapest)
and from this point on it is easy to select out Széchényi, Rudas, Lukács…
Kind regards, Misi”
Good grief, Misi, you've never mentioned that you'd done an MA in Detective Science!
How does anyone cap that entry?
Zsolt Maroti, Bálint Dömötör and Tom Chilton all opted for the Gellért too, Mr Chilton had some questions though.
“The view is from the south-west, maybe from Kemenes utca, but there's no sign of a sculpture on Google Maps. I guess the angel and dove sculpture is inside the hotel grounds but I can't believe you stumped up the hefty entry fee.”
No idea what the fee is these days, Tom – this was back in 92 or 93 – but in any case, I got a press pass to photograph in the baths. And actually, the baths are legally separate from the hotel, as far as I'm aware, they're owned by the municipality of Budapest, at least for now.
But he wasn't finished yet.
“Incidentally, your Bp-dwelling readers may wish to buy the wonderful Zsigmondy klubkártya, which costs 5,000 Ft a year and lets the holder into Gellért, Rudas and Széchenyi Baths for only 4,000 Ft. The card saves you money if you only use it once!”
Thus speaks a true Scotsman – I'm sure some readers will appreciate that, Mr C.
When pondering the puzzle, Zoltán Török was clearly in orientation mode.
“Szia Kester,
KT112. I think the photo was taken from the back of Gellért bath open air pool, and the camera was directed to the east (towards Danube).
Yours, Zoli”
Hmmm. Well, yes on one point – the camera would have been pointing towards the river, but I think the Gellért facade is facing a bit to the south of east, isn't it? Just my assessment, of course, I've been wrong before.
I told Les Szabo to put his thinking cap on, but from his reply I think he's missed the holidays this month.
“Ha hah hah - it's the Gellért - is it an easter egg as a prize?”
If you've gone one left over, Les!
Finally, Bob Dent decided to have a crack.
“Looks to me like the picture gives a partial view from above of the open-air pool behind the Gellért Hotel in Budapest, i.e. a part of the Gellért Baths. The architectural style of the tower seen in the background seems to confirm that, i.e. it could well be part of the Art Nouveau Gellért Hotel.
Any good? Bob Dent”
Yes, it's good Bob, meaning it is the correct answer. But before you can whoop with delight and crack open that bottle of Törley pezsgő, we've got to see if your number comes out of the hat though – and yours is number 9 of nine.
Yes, nine correct entries, despite my efforts to thwart your efforts by severely cropping the photo - here is the full, original piccie for you to compare.

Well, I have no idea where the famous Black Woolly hat has disappeared to, so it's nine paper slips into the Pakistani scull-cap topper (also EU conform, by the way) and the glorious winner is ... (sorry Bob, you've just missed out) EIGHT – step forward Mr Les Szabo!
Even though he hails from a quiet Leicestershire lane these days, you'd better prepare for an entourage of selfie-seekers and Daily Mail papparazi by Monday morning, Les. Not often the KesterTester lands in the East Midlands, you know!
Right, now I've got to find another suitable piccie, or think of something pretty darned quick to keep the global momentum going.
Congratulations to Mr Szabo and thanks to all who 'had a go' to make it fun!