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Writer's picture Kester Eddy

KesterTester09 - Where in CEE-SEE is this Scene?

Enough is Enough! This site is supposed to be about Budapest, Hungary and THE REGION - but to date it has been decidedly Budapest-centric, a bit of Hungary and nowt about the region whatsoever.

So, I've decided to branch out a little because a) I want to b) there are just too many clever cloggs out there with the answers for Budapest (in fact, I think some of you have hacked my computer and know what's coming before I've even put up the photos. Such is the power and popularity of the KesterTester :) ) and c) I want to win some of these competitions!

So where is this? (I must say, I love reporting from this country.) It isn't that difficult, in truth. But it could be anywhere between Tallinn and Tirana, Szczecin/Stettin and Varna. It might be the capital of the country, and it might not. It's not that old - I think it was taken in May, 2012. So, over to you .... you can post your answer in the comments section, or email me if you wish.

However, citizens of the country concerned can't really compete - well, you can send me your answer if you like, and I'll award you a consolation prize (you can buy me a bottle of wine from the vineyars nearby this scene if you like) but it's hardly a level playing field it you take part, is it?

As for last week KT08, quite a few people got it .... I'll post the result and the Lucky Winner tomorrow.

Have a good weekend!

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