KesterTester 35 - One a former dissident playwright, one a former Communist Big-Shot in charge of his country's second city. Not sure about the others' CVs. But who are they?

Since the Hungarian politicians* Tester last month generated a lot of interest, here's another one on a similar theme - but all the above are non-Magyar personalities, and all were national leaders (even if ceremonial Presidents) at the time of the pics.
Now one of these depicted is really famous internationally and two are so-so regionally famous (some might say one is infamous, but we won't go there). However I think three are pretty darned difficult. So, we'll have one point for the easy one, two points for the two s0-so famous and three points each for the three tough ones. (Honestly, I couldn't name the three tough ones, and I took the pics and captioned them.)
Of course, at this point, I'm not saying which is which.
Let's number them from the top left as number 1, then work clockwise to end with number 6 - that's the smiling chappie at bottom left. (Apologies number 6 is over exposed, but still recognisable, I think.)
Your answers please via the site messaging system or an email.
* Speaking of the politicians in KT29 - sorry to say that news this week came that László Kovács is struggling with his health and has recently entered a nursing home. We wish the former Socialist foreign minister a quick recovery.
As for KT34, last week's broken border river bridge, it's proving very tough. I think there have only been two correct answers - with neither of them this site's regular super sleuths - although they may be 'promoted' as a result of this challenge.
I'll update this post with the results tomorrow morning - so you still have time to enter! Remember, glory, global celebrity status, and the great opportunity to buy me two beers await the winner! And this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that only comes once a week! (So long as I can keep finding the piccies.)
And in other news, as we have passed the 3.5 million vaccinations level, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban has deemed it safe to announce an easing of lockdown conditions, starting tomorrow, with restaurant and bar terraces open until 21.30. It's a move that many will surely find attractive, although with infections running at nearly 2,780 per day this week, I hope it does not prove premature.
Have a safe weekend, everyone.
UPDATE - Saturday morning. Results of KT34 - the border river and half destroyed bridge
Well, this really was a tester. And though I didn't say it, several readers felt it was a Hungarian border with somewhere. One thought it was the Danube at Esztergom-Sturovo, and one or two - seduced by the low water, gravelly looking bed, I suppose - opted for the Drava or Mura bordering Croatia. (Actually, Sanyi I don't think the Mura, according to today's deliniations, does form the border twixt Hungary and Croatia at any point - it has already flown into the Drava further upstream, wholly in Croatia.)
Star site-sleuth Tom Chilton, probably suffering GFO - global fandom overload - from his multiple KT wins, got the correct river - the Tisza - but wrong place. He thought it was the Hungarian border near Vylok, in Ukraine.
This all meant there was no need to use the EU-accredited, black woolly hat this week, as there was only one correct entry - step forward Alan Sutton, currently resident of Dnipro, Ukraine, who wrote:
That is a trick one as everyone will say it is the Tisza [they didn't, bar one - ed] and it is indeed Ukraine on the far side. But the near side is not Hungary. The Tisa (as it becomes) is also the Ukrainian - Romanian border. I thought it was Solotvyno - the end of the world on Ukrzalizhnitsa - but actually it is at Tyachiv, a bit further towards Hungary. Easy to get to from the Ukrainian side but the Romanian side looks very remote
Top shot, Alan!
The real trick to solving this puzzle is to blow up the photo, whereupon you can spot a flag and border post in Ukraine colours (blue and yellow). Without using google maps, I think you could guess it was the border with Romania from the shadows - the sun is coming from over the photographers lest hand shoulder, which kind of indicates the river is flowing approximately from the east to the west, whereas the Tisza in Hungary generally flows more north-south. (OK, not perfect, but roughly speaking.)
But if you put Tyachiv into google maps, you can indeed see the broken bridge quite clearly
We presume this was a railway bridge originating in Austro-Hungary days when Tyachiv was known as Técső in Hungarian. According to its Wikpedia page, it went by a string of alternative names, viz Rusyn: Тячево, German: Groß-Teutschenau, Romanian: Teceu Mare, Slovak: Tyachovo, Russian: Тячев.
Alan and I think it, along with much of the area, became part of Czechoslovakia after 1920, then, at the end of World War II, fell into the warm embrace of Comrade Joe Stalin, who persuaded everyone, with the help of Soviet tanks, that it would be better off as part of Soviet Ukraine.
It means it was one of those places where, if you were born in, say, 1915, you would have been considered a Hungarian, then Czechoslovak, then Hungarian again (from 1938), then Soviet and finally, in 1991, a Ukrainian citizen, all without ever having lived elsewhere.
(That is, if you survived the travails of the times.)
The photo was supplied by GuesterTester Steven Fisher, who was driving in northern Romania and popped out of his car to see what he could see. There is actually also a man standing on the Ukraine side, near what we assume is/was a border office or look out. Steve recalls he gave a friendly wave, which was not returned. Hmmm
Well, we don't have too many Ukraine readers, Alan, but I think you should still prepare yourself for a few fans demanding selfies over the next few months!
Congratulations to all contestants for gallantly taking part. Now, how about the six politicians in this week's KesterTester above?