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Writer's picture Kester Eddy

KesterTester07 - addendum - This is where the scene is

Updated: Oct 9, 2020

KesterTester07 was a photo of Majakovszkij, now Király utca 25

So many clever cloggs managed to get this that I've decided the next KesterTester is going to be a stray brick, somewhere on the edge of Csepel Island, and you can struggle all week to identify it, 'cos I'm just fed up with never winning in this game, so there! :)

Anyway, here are some of the contributions, which I thought might prove interesting. First answer was from Greg 'super-sleuth' Dorey - who apparently is in the Guinness Book of Records for winning every single game of 'I spy with my little eye' that he ever played up to the age of 53. Anyway, to prove he didn't cheat by using a database, he sent me this piccie of the target dwelling, replete with a Polski Fiat outside it, seemingly in 1998.

The book is entitled "Védtelen örökség" (Unprotected Heritage) by Anna Perczel, BTW.

This next one, below, came from Jerry Taylor - Kiraly u 25 last Friday, I would guess around 11.00 am from the angle of the shadows. It is rather a splendid mansion, isn't it?

Next came a series from John Cantwell, taken of the house opposite - from which the original KesterTester photo was taken. Alas, how the once dignified Number 36 has fallen. John took these late in the afternoon a week ago, on Monday September 28.

All very sad, really, isn't it? But thanks John for the reportage.

Then, finally, came a contribution from Tom 'I think it's your Round' Chilton, who wrote the following thought and insights, which I felt worthy of greater distribution.

I thought it was Kiraly utca, near the Deak tér end. There are quite a few of those two-storey Baroque buildings around there, but they're mainly in narrow streets. This was obviously quite a wide street. Your hints and a stroll along the street with Google Maps did the rest. 

Has anyone told you what car it is? I'm not sure it's American - it could be a Volvo or a Ford perhaps.

Incidentally, I used to like Majakovszkij utca a lot. It had a sort of 19th century feel with lots of interesting small shops, especially bizomány bolts. There was a very good one for power tools, the famous Golya Aruhaz (see pic), and even one for shoes (Csilla [the wife] tells me). She also says that there were so many second-hand shops around here because dealing in second-hand goods was a classic Jewish trade (along with tailoring.)

While looking up the Golya aruhaz, I found this interesting para on earlier names for Kiraly utca -

"1990-től Király utca, 1950-től Majakovszkij utca, 1874-től Király utca, 1836-tól König Gasse, 1820-tól Drei Könige Gasse (Három Király utca), Az 1810-esévek elejétől Englischer König Gasse (Angol Király utca), 1790-es évektől Engelische König Gasse (Angyali Király utca), 1786 körül Englische Gasse (Angol utca), 1740-es évektől Mittermayerische Gasse."

English King Street - Innarestung huh?"

And here is the photo Tom contributed - a now long-lost icon of the area nearer the Nagykörút.

We still haven't identified the car in the original KT07 - anyone care to track that one down?

Meanwhile, Thanks, Tom and all.

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